Neuro-Acupuncturist Trained by the Neuro-Acupuncture Institute
Licensed Acupuncturist Certified Hirudotherapist
I am passionate about life but like a lot of people I have had some health challenges. My pain condition was so bad and conventional medicine was not helping. Then I decided to try acupuncture and herbal medicine. After experiencing the benefits I decided to pursue a career in Chinese Medicine. I completed my training and obtained a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. I also hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and Nutrition.
Wanting to explore other modalities I came across hirudotherapy or the use of medicinaI leeches. Later I got certified as a Hirudotherapist. I have also been fascinated by neurobiology. My interest took me to complete my college thesis dissertation on the development of the cerebellum at a biochemical level.
After this I wanted to continue studying the nervous system and apply my knowledge in Eastern Medicine, that is why I decided to get trained as a Neuro-Acupuncturist. To complement my knowledge with neurological conditions I trained with Dr. Poney Chang at York University in Toronto, Canada. I completed his training on Neuromeridian Acupuncture in the summer of 2023. This was an opportunity to learn more about the nervous system, anatomy and the relationship with the meridians and acupuncture points. This training gave me a different perspective on how to approach neurological conditions and complemented my knowledge in Neuro-acupuncture.
In my treatments I incorporate a holistic approach and all my professional expertise to provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan.